Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I looked around Bloglines and I liked it right away. I was a slacker and just subscribed to some feeds with the search tool because it is so easy to use. It sucked me right in to some interesting stuff within minutes. I could spend a lot of time reading in here, so it's a pretty dangerous place. I'm not going to be able to explore all of these web 2.0 exercises in the given time period as I'll be out on medical leave soon. It's been great to have the opportunity to look at some new things, though. We are lucky to have technology at our fingertips and to have wonderful support in maintaining it. The best insight about this learning experience for me is the realization that it's always way more fun to participate than to observe, whatever the activity.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Annie's Peace Pasta

Annie's Peace Pasta
Originally uploaded by MaryWit
This is hard to argue with.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I set up an account in Flickr but I don't really understand how to use it and in truth don't really want to know. The best thing I've learned so far is how hopelessly frustrating it must be for people who need use technology to meet a need w/o any grasp of how to do it. It makes feel so grateful on many levels.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

something of interest

I came across a story in the June issue of Popular Science about a surfboard made of cardboard. Technology really came into play in it's construction as it contains slats precision cut by a computer controlled saw. What a great example of merging old and new technology.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm sure there are uses for blogging in libraries and we probably can't escape them. It's just so strange to see people so wired to their screens. Are we becoming part of the collective or further alienated from it? I have to admit, the future frightens me. In some ways, things are brighter and more promising than ever before. In other areas- things are more corrupt and distorted than ever.


It's hard for me to embrace this type of communication. Somehow it feels so false to me. I don't even like to speak on the phone. I can appreciate the scope of the connection and it is truly a powerful thing. I suppose I need to shift my perception a bit and not be so guarded. Anyway, I'll try it for a time.